Massage Therapy

We offer a wide range of massage therapy services including aromatherapy, Hot Stone, Foot and Reflexology.

Featured Massage Services

Spa Therapeutic Deep Tissue Massage

50 min. treatment / $75

A massage working on nerve endings and muscular stress using the Spa’s own range of aromatherapy oils.

Swedish Massage

50 min. treatment / $65

A balancing and restorative full body massage using natural and herbal products.

Vitality Massage

50 min. treatment / $75

A concentrated massage incorporating traditional Swedish massage techniques and stretching to boost circulation, restore vitality, it includes a splash of Wild Orange.

Additional Services

De-Stress Hot Stone Massage

Add on to any massage / $35

Stones are placed and used as massage tools for deep muscle and mind relaxation.

Aroma-Touch Therapy

30 min. treatment / $35

Aroma Touch Technique is a clinical way of applying essential oils along energy meridians and visceral contact points of the back and feet. It creates wellness and reduces stress.

Foot Reflexology

30 min. treatment / $55

Reflexology helps stimulates blood circulation, improves well-being, promotes relaxation, better sleep and restores energy flow.

Reflexology is an ancient technique that is based on reflex points on the foot. Theses points correspond to organs, glands and systems in the body. It also stimulates blood circulation and improve well-being. We also use aromatherapy oils.

Technology Break Massage

50 min. treatment / $75

A relaxing tension release massage for your Back, Neck and Shoulders while being invigorated by customized aroma-therapy scents.

Clinical Massage

90 min. treatment / $85

Medical massage is a little different from a regular massage. Its focus is on a specific area. A variety of techniques and styles will be incorporated after your consultation. Myofascial release is used to release tissues that is stuck and creating restrictions in the body.

30/30 Massage

60 min. treatment / $70

30 minute massage on your feet, and also 30 minutes on your back.

Gift Certificates available.

Ask your Skin Care Specialist for more details.

What Our Happy Clients Are Saying…

“Sed imperdiet nisl at turpis bibendum pharetra. Suspendisse vel cursus diam. Quisque mollis nisl quis convallis pellentesque. Duis orci neque, semper non laoreet nec, consequat eget felis. Ut ornare feugiat massa, sed maximus libero. Vivamus aliquet ullamcorper iaculis. Phasellus sollicitudin sem eget purus fringilla, vitae consequat mauris tincidunt. Aenean semper felis vitae sodales ultricies. Fusce venenatis suscipit eros ornare maximus. Nunc pulvinar vel augue eget lacinia. Etiam congue cursus eleifend. Nullam consequat interdum lacus ac commodo.”


– Client A – 

“Sed imperdiet nisl at turpis bibendum pharetra. Suspendisse vel cursus diam. Quisque mollis nisl quis convallis pellentesque. Duis orci neque, semper non laoreet nec, consequat eget felis. Ut ornare feugiat massa, sed maximus libero. Vivamus aliquet ullamcorper iaculis. Phasellus sollicitudin sem eget purus fringilla, vitae consequat mauris tincidunt. Aenean semper felis vitae sodales ultricies. Fusce venenatis suscipit eros ornare maximus. Nunc pulvinar vel augue eget lacinia. Etiam congue cursus eleifend. Nullam consequat interdum lacus ac commodo.”


– Client B – 

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